Robert Ledoux, Ph.D

SpecialityProgram Director, ARPA-E

Dr. Robert Ledoux currently serves as a Program Director at the Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy. His areas of interest include the intersection of nuclear physics and non-proliferation, energy production, and transportation.

Prior to joining ARPA-E, Dr. Ledoux served as the Founder, President, and CEO of Passport Systems, a premier technology company in cargo inspection. At Passport Systems Dr. Ledoux co-invented powerful new technologies with the US Department of Homeland Security Domestic Nuclear Detection Office to aid in the non-intrusive inspection of cargo and co-authored over 20 US and international patents. Prior to founding Passport Systems, he served as Vice President of Pyramid Technical Consultants, developing hardware and software for the control of magnetic scanning systems and accelerator control used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. Previously as an Associate Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he studied high-energy nuclear interactions in search of new phases of hadronic matter.


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