Zongjie Wang, Ph.D.

SpecialityAssistant Professor, University of Connecticut

Dr. Zongjie Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Connecticut (UConn). She is also affiliated with the Eversource Energy Center. Before joining UConn, she was a post-doctoral research associate in Systems Engineering at Cornell University from 2018-2021. Dr. Wang’s research interests focus on modern power systems, grid resilience, and renewable energy integration through leveraging data analytics, non-linear optimization, simulation techniques, and coordinated transmission and distribution systems. Her projects are funded by Eversource Energy, DOE, ISO-New England, and OVPR UConn. As an invited speaker, Dr. Wang presented her research at the headquarters of the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)’s Technical Meeting in DC, 2019 and 2023.

Dr. Wang is a member of IEEE and Power & Energy Society (PES). She has been a member of the PEEC steering committee, IEEE PES Subcommittee, IEEE Smart Buildings, and Customer Systems, IEEE Bulk Power System Operations Subcommittee, IEEE PES Renewable Systems Integration Coordinating Committee, IEEE PES Power & Energy Education Committee (PEEC), Association for Information Systems. She has served as a Guest Editor on a Special Issues of many journals including Frontiers in Energy Research, Energies, etc. Dr. Wang has collaborations with power system operators in the industries and other institutions, for example, ISO New England, New York ISO, GE, Resource Innovations, MIT, Ohio State University, and the Technical University of Denmark, among others.

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